Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Essay: Brief Outline

Introduction Statement: The dog…a man’s best friend. There are of course several reasons why this particular animal is referred to as such and the cat isn’t.

Thesis Statement: A canines’ loyalty is one unique enough to be one of the reasons, where you don’t hear about a felines faithfulness as often. Another reason is because dogs have been known to display unconditional love through their entire lives by their attachment to humans. Cats, on the other hand, have the tendency to express attachment through where they live, not who they live with. Lastly, dogs have the ability to learn tricks and commands, almost to the point where they can do things just like us humans.

1.Body Topic Sentence: The first reason why dogs are better than cats is because they are more loyal.
· Protect their owners/families
· Depend on us for food and shelter
2. Body Topic Sentence: The second reason is because they show unconditional love.
· Comfort us when they feel our sad emotions
· Seek out someone to love
3. Body Topic Sentence: The last reason is because they are smart:
· Learn human-like commands
· Service dogs for the disabled
· Strong memory of their surroundings/places

Closing Statement: Of course, these reasons aren’t limited to all the other wonderful things this animal can achieve.

Restate Thesis: These main reasons, loyalty, love and intelligence, are what form canines into a man’s best friend, instead of the cat.

I commented on Atokena's and Shelby's blog.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Venn Diagram

Venn Diagram

The link above is to my Venn Diagram. The purpose of my essay for this will be to look at the two major early life options after graduation (or any time in life) and deciding which would be more beneficial...either furthering education or working. There are more pros for choosing either choice, but I think some people have a hard time deciding between the two. I, especially for some one who is still in High School, think that this is extremely relevant, which is why I chose this specific topic.

I commented on Andrea's and Jordan's blog.