Tuesday, September 27, 2016

'Why We Lie'

In the article "Why We Lie" by Dan Ariely, it is explained which of us lie and what drives us to lie. Through experiments with different variables and incentives, it is concluded that everyone, either in large or small doses, are both victims and suspects of dishonesty.

Paraphrase #10:
We know people cheat a little, but what makes us cheat more or less?

"What, then-if anything-pushes people towards greater honestly?" (Ariely 443)

I chose this particular quote because I feel like it's a really important question. In the article, it explains different things that make us lie but it never mentioned what drives us to be honest. It was said a few times on what makes people lie more or less, but not exactly what makes people be truthful. I'm also curious myself.

Ariely, Dan. "Why We Lie." The Bedford Reader 12th (2014): 440-446. Print.

I commented on Kaylin's post and  Andrea's post.


  1. I would love to understand that as well. Great blog!

  2. You made a very good point! The article explained why we lie but, what makes us want to be honest? I am just as curious as you!

  3. Ooh! I love how you chose the quote on the end! You're right, I wish Ariely had gone into more detail about that. It is important because what's the point of knowing what makes us lie if we can't do anything about it, we can't just leave a hole in our life, it needs to be filled. I also really like your paraphrasing, it sounds natural and not messy.

  4. That's a good question. I just focused on what drives us to lie and not really on what make us truthful.

  5. I would have to agree with everyone else. If the average person can lie so easily, then what drives people towards honesty? Great quote!

  6. Great quote choice! I was also left wondering what motivated honesty, and would be very curious to find out.
